Two books that could transform your understanding of reality:

Breath of the Cosmos

The physics of material reality as never before -

in beautiful pictures and flowing poetry.

Tapestry of Light

A radically new, but ages old, perspective on the nature of material reality.

A layman's view of

the scientific issues.

In these books

Dr Grahame Blackwell presents, in two quite different styles, his findings from ten years of scientific investigation and careful mathematical analysis.

(No maths in either book.)

[Full maths available here]

"I read 'Tapestry of Light' on my flight to Washington, D.C. - I was stunned!

I proceeded to read 'Breath of the Cosmos' the day after I got back.

'Tapestry' deserves a Nobel prize in physics and 'Breath' a Nobel prize in literature.

Your energy flow paradigm makes total sense to me. As you show, it explains all of Einstein's findings but also explains the arrow of time.

A truly seminal book!"

Lloyd Morgan, Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States.

“A friend lent me your book ‘Breath of the Cosmos’.

It takes my breath away.”

P.H., Complementary Therapist..

"I very much enjoyed your book 'Tapestry of Light' ."

H.S., Artist.

"I have greatly enjoyed reading and absorbing the content of ‘Breath of the Cosmos’. Your use of language, style and format shows a keen perception of the joy of communication, the love of poetry and the gift of presentation.

I shall treasure this book the more because I have made notes on the text throughout as I have discovered and, I suspect, will continue to so do, each new delight.

Do not stop writing now. You have many special gifts and there are many, many people who will soon be waiting for more of your work."

Shirley Day, English teacher (retired), Kent.

Of a multimedia presentation:

"I just want to say a BIG, BIG thank you for your magnificent 'performance' last night!

It was truly inspirational and a wonderful kick off to the whole evening. You are definitely a communicator!"

Sue Minns., Author

"I thought your talk at the London College of Spirituality 2012 Forum was absolutely fantastic - interesting, funny, massively informative and you made some complex science very accessible.  Your books have been on my to-buy list since then, how wonderful that they are now on their way.  I really look forward to reading them."

Dee Apolline, The Big Chi, London.

On a presentation on 'Breath'

"We have not heard the relationship between spiritual perception and science described so beautifully before as it was by you – two sides of the coin. Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Cecilia Bingham, Devon.

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Gravity: The Great Attraction

and The Great Enigma

For the first time ever: a step-by-step explanation of how it is that

"Matter tells space how to curve and curved space tells matter how to move."

In other words, why things fall down how gravity actually works.

As Published in a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Paper

in a Leading International Scientific & Technical Journal

Once we know how space is shaped, the spaceways are wide open . .

Stop Press (6th June 2012): See details of new supporting research reported in New Scientist.

[See also details of a previous paper giving a radically new perspective on Relativity]


For many thousands of years man has looked up at the stars and wondered about the forces that keep them moving in their endless dance.  More recently, less than 350 years ago, Isaac Newton saw that these were the same forces that brought apples down from trees, rain down on our heads and us back down to earth when we jumped upwards.

It was just under a century ago that Einstein gave us a description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime, with massive bodies such as a planet or a star creating great dents in the fabric of the cosmos.  Smaller bodies, such as moons, satellites or even the planets themselves, roll around the inside of those dents just as an orange would roll around the inside of a fruit bowl.  Cosmologist John Wheeler paraphrased this idea in the quote given above.

Now, for the very first time, a mainstream peer-reviewed journal has published details of what 'curved space' might mean, how it may be that massive objects could cause that 'shaping' of space and why objects would follow those curves in the way described by General Relativity.  Not even Einstein himself offered explanations for any of those effects.

Gravity has always been an enigma, with a number of questions attached to it:

(1) Why does gravity always attract, never repel like static electricity and magnetism do?

(2) Why is gravity so weak compared to those forces?

      (Only 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th of their strength!)

(3) How is it that the effect of gravity reaches right the way across the universe?

All of these questions, as well as those questions about what 'curved space' is and how it works, are answered by just one simple proposal, spoken of by mystics for thousands of years and supported by reams of well-established findings from top scientists, spanning more than a century.  That simple proposal, presented in detail in a previous paper, is: 'All elementary sub-atomic particles are formed from photons of electromagnetic energy light' (including non-visible frequencies).

Now a second paper by the same author, Dr Grahame Blackwell, has been published in 'Kybernetes', the journal of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics.  'Cosmic system dynamics: a cyberneticist’s perspective on gravitation' appears as an invited paper in the final issue of the 40th anniversary volume.  Referencing over thirty peer-reviewed publications, including works from four of the world's greatest Nobel laureates, it builds on that previous paper to show how light-based particles of matter could be responsible for creating every effect that we attribute to gravitation.

To see more about this paper, including extended abstract, introduction and conclusion,

also to see a money-back option to purchase the paper and a non-technical summary

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