Two books that could transform your understanding of reality:

Breath of the Cosmos

The physics of material reality as never before -

in beautiful pictures and flowing poetry.

Tapestry of Light

A radically new, but ages old, perspective on the nature of material reality.

A layman's view of

the scientific issues.

In these books

Dr Grahame Blackwell presents, in two quite different styles, his findings from ten years of scientific investigation and careful mathematical analysis.

(No maths in either book.)

[Full maths available here]

"I read 'Tapestry of Light' on my flight to Washington, D.C. - I was stunned!

I proceeded to read 'Breath of the Cosmos' the day after I got back.

'Tapestry' deserves a Nobel prize in physics and 'Breath' a Nobel prize in literature.

Your energy flow paradigm makes total sense to me. As you show, it explains all of Einstein's findings but also explains the arrow of time.

A truly seminal book!"

Lloyd Morgan, Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States.

“A friend lent me your book ‘Breath of the Cosmos’.

It takes my breath away.”

P.H., Complementary Therapist..

"I very much enjoyed your book 'Tapestry of Light' ."

H.S., Artist.

"I have greatly enjoyed reading and absorbing the content of ‘Breath of the Cosmos’. Your use of language, style and format shows a keen perception of the joy of communication, the love of poetry and the gift of presentation.

I shall treasure this book the more because I have made notes on the text throughout as I have discovered and, I suspect, will continue to so do, each new delight.

Do not stop writing now. You have many special gifts and there are many, many people who will soon be waiting for more of your work."

Shirley Day, English teacher (retired), Kent.

Of a multimedia presentation:

"I just want to say a BIG, BIG thank you for your magnificent 'performance' last night!

It was truly inspirational and a wonderful kick off to the whole evening. You are definitely a communicator!"

Sue Minns., Author

"I thought your talk at the London College of Spirituality 2012 Forum was absolutely fantastic - interesting, funny, massively informative and you made some complex science very accessible.  Your books have been on my to-buy list since then, how wonderful that they are now on their way.  I really look forward to reading them."

Dee Apolline, The Big Chi, London.

On a presentation on 'Breath'

"We have not heard the relationship between spiritual perception and science described so beautifully before as it was by you – two sides of the coin. Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Cecilia Bingham, Devon.

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It Ain't Necessarily So:

Einstein's Theory May Contain a Fundamental Error

A re-analysis of the evidence reveals a completely new view of the universe

whilst still supporting all experimentally proven findings of that theory

As Published in a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Paper

in a Leading International Scientific & Technical Journal

See also news of a second paper giving a step-by-step proposed explanation for gravity

an absolute first.

If you've ever dreamed of reaching the stars, read on . .

[Or click here for news of a definitive proof of the error in Relativity Theory]

[See also Notes on standard tests of Special Relativity]

For over 100 years Einstein's Theory of Relativity has defined the direction of scientific research. In that time numerous studies have confirmed various features of that theory.

But a central principle of relativity theory has never been proved.  If wrong, it could be hiding a wide range of research opportunities.

Now a new paper shows how all of the experimentally confirmed findings of Special Relativity can be explained without the need for that unproven hypothesis.

This new perspective opens up a vast field of new possibilities...

The significance of this research paper shouldn't be underestimated.  If its findings are correct - and a wealth of research evidence from other sources supports that view then ALL physics research over the past hundred years has been subject to an unnecessary limitation.  Crucially, models of reality such as String Theory and M-Theory have been trying to get round a problem that doesn't actually exist.

Titled 'Elementary Sub-Atomic Particles: The Earliest Adaptive Systems', by Dr Grahame Blackwell, this paper appears in 'Kybernetes', the journal of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics., as an invited paper in the first issue of the 40th anniversary volume.  It cites a wide range of research evidence from the early 1900s right up to the present day supporting the view that the smallest particles of matter are in fact photons tiny elements of light* wrapped around to 'chase their own tails'.

[* 'Light' is used here as a general term to include all electromagnetic waves, not just the ones we see.]

It shows how such particles could have been formed as a natural consequence of the settling-out process in the first instants after the Big Bang that brought our universe into being.  It then shows how matter formed in this way would behave exactly as described by Relativity Theory.  It even provides a possible explanation for the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the universe - a question that's been puzzling scientists for 80 years.

So what difference does this make?

The clue is in the picture above.  If I'm chugging along the highway at 30 miles an hour and a police car passes me doing 100 mph, it'll disappear into the distance pretty quickly - at a relative speed of 70 mph, in fact.  But if I'd been doing 60 mph, that same police car would pull past me at a relative speed of only 40 mph and take rather longer to disappear out of sight.

Even if it was a rocket that passed me doing, say, 1000 mph, its passing speed relative to me would be the difference between that 1000 mph and my speed.  Ok, this is all schoolboy/girl stuff.

But Relativity says this is not the case with light.  Relativity says whatever speed you're doing, light will always pass you at the same relative speed - even if you're travelling almost at light-speed yourself.  It's as if that police car is doing 100 and you're doing 60 or 80, or 90, or even 99 mph and still that police car pulls past you and disappears away into the distance at a speed relative to you of 100 mph.

Relativity Theory says that's just how it is, that's what light does.  It may seem pretty odd, but never mind, just get used to it.  And science has got used to it, and been basing its sums on it, for 100 years.

But the new perspective given by this paper on particles made from light says "It ain't necessarily so".  Sure, that's what it seems like.  But if physics has taught us anything in the last 100 years it's that things aren't always what they seem.

We have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, which Einstein didn't have in respect of the wavelike behaviour of particles.  That sort of stuff had yet to be discovered when Einstein first formulated Relativity Theory.  But now we have more than enough evidence that matter has wavelike properties, just like light.

It turns out that, if particles of matter are made of light, they're affected by being in motion.  Crucially, they experience the motion of other things differently.  In particular, they experience light itself quite differently so it always seems to be going at the same speed relative to them, regardless of what speed they're doing.  It's matter itself, not light, that's causing this effect (except that it's because matter is light).

Again, so what?  What's the big deal?

The big deal, quite simply, is that our whole picture of the universe, developed over the past century or more, is based on that apparent property of light.  And that has all sorts of knock-on consequences, from what time is to the nature of gravity.  If that view of light is wrong and there's no hard evidence to say that it's right we could be standing in our own way, big time, scientifically.

One major case in point is space travel.  The standard view of spacetme is a very useful mathematical model but it may well be a blind alley when it comes to fully understanding the nature of both space and time.

That standard view also sees a threat of possible disruptions to the universal principle of cause-and-effect from faster-than-light travel, or from closed timelike curves (time-reversal loops in spacetime).

The new perspective presented by this paper indicates that such threats don't in fact exist, as well as offering new understandings of both space and time.  That reassurance and that understanding open the way to serious consideration of strategies for superluminal (faster-than-light) communications and travel, essential for serious forays beyond the bounds of our own solar system.

Finally, the paper's title highlights the fact that every tiniest sub-atomic particle has the ability to adapt automatically to changing circumstances.  The paper explains how this ability came about in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, pointing out that without such ability no particle would have lasted even a millionth of a second.  That adaptability can be seen as the very earliest stage of the process of natural selection, the very first rung in the cosmic evolutionary ladder.

Quote from Dr Blackwell:

"Perhaps the biggest prize - and the biggest surprise from this research is the comprehensive explanation that it offers of the mechanisms that cause gravity.  Many people believe that Einstein explained how gravity works, but in fact he didn't at all."  [See news of a later paper on gravity.]

"Einstein gave us a very useful new description of the effects of gravity. The 'curved spacetime' of General Relativity has made it possible to perform all sorts of calculations related to the motion of stars and planets, and their effects on other things such as spacecraft.  But to date there's been absolutely no explanation of why it is that those stars and planets cause spacetime to be curved, what 'curved space-time' actually is, or how it is that curved spacetime causes objects to move in the way that they do."

"Various notable physicists have pointed to shortcomings in our present view of gravitation, including the late great Nobel laureate in Quantum Physics, Richard Feynman, and Professor Stephen Hawking."

"Whilst it's not included in this paper, the cyclic-photon view of matter offers a full explanation of what it is about galaxies, stars and planets that causes space to be curved and why that in turn makes things fall down and causes planets to orbit stars, moons to orbit planets, and so on.  This is another absolute first in the history of science, one that potentially opens the way for us to fulfil our destiny out there among those stars."

[Dr Grahame Blackwell is a Fellow of The Cybernetics Society.]

Space pictures: NASA, ESA & Hubble Heritage Team.

Einstein picture: Wikipedia commons.


Since submission of this paper a definitive proof has been devised by the author showing that the conventional view of material reality as presented by Special Relativity contains a fundamental flaw.  This proof relies only on a scientific principle conclusively established by numerous peer-reviewed practical studies over many decades and universally accepted by the international scientific community.

This proof will be published as soon as an opportunity is provided for publication in a quality journal with a guarantee of minimal delay between submission and publication.  The proof runs to 1450 words including references and contains absolutely no mathematics.  With just a little additional explanation it could be readily understood by the average lay-person - a PowerPoint presentation is being prepared with this in mind.