Two books that could transform your understanding of reality:

Breath of the Cosmos

The physics of material reality as never before -

in beautiful pictures and flowing poetry.

Tapestry of Light

A radically new, but ages old, perspective on the nature of material reality.

A layman's view of

the scientific issues.

In these books

Dr Grahame Blackwell presents, in two quite different styles, his findings from ten years of scientific investigation and careful mathematical analysis.

(No maths in either book.)

[Full maths available here]

"I read 'Tapestry of Light' on my flight to Washington, D.C. - I was stunned!

I proceeded to read 'Breath of the Cosmos' the day after I got back.

'Tapestry' deserves a Nobel prize in physics and 'Breath' a Nobel prize in literature.

Your energy flow paradigm makes total sense to me. As you show, it explains all of Einstein's findings but also explains the arrow of time.

A truly seminal book!"

Lloyd Morgan, Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States.

“A friend lent me your book ‘Breath of the Cosmos’.

It takes my breath away.”

P.H., Complementary Therapist..

"I very much enjoyed your book 'Tapestry of Light' ."

H.S., Artist.

"I have greatly enjoyed reading and absorbing the content of ‘Breath of the Cosmos’. Your use of language, style and format shows a keen perception of the joy of communication, the love of poetry and the gift of presentation.

I shall treasure this book the more because I have made notes on the text throughout as I have discovered and, I suspect, will continue to so do, each new delight.

Do not stop writing now. You have many special gifts and there are many, many people who will soon be waiting for more of your work."

Shirley Day, English teacher (retired), Kent.

Of a multimedia presentation:

"I just want to say a BIG, BIG thank you for your magnificent 'performance' last night!

It was truly inspirational and a wonderful kick off to the whole evening. You are definitely a communicator!"

Sue Minns., Author

"I thought your talk at the London College of Spirituality 2012 Forum was absolutely fantastic - interesting, funny, massively informative and you made some complex science very accessible.  Your books have been on my to-buy list since then, how wonderful that they are now on their way.  I really look forward to reading them."

Dee Apolline, The Big Chi, London.

On a presentation on 'Breath'

"We have not heard the relationship between spiritual perception and science described so beautifully before as it was by you – two sides of the coin. Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Cecilia Bingham, Devon.

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Maths for 'Behind the Tapestry: The Threads Revealed'

This page summarises the concepts you need to be happy with if you want to understand the supporting maths presented in 'Behind the Tapestry'.  No guarantees are offered, but if you can follow these (or alternatively you're prepared to take them on trust) then it's unlikely you'll meet anything in the book that will throw you.  You are reminded of all of these in the text of the book.

The main question is: are you frightened by algebra?  If you are then this book is not for you.  If you're not, then pretty well everything you need to know is included in the text - almost nothing is assumed except that you're willing to give it a go.


Pythagoras' Theorem

a2 = b2 + c2  , where a is the hypotenuse (longest side) of a right angled triangle and b & c are the other two sides.


sin2 x + cos2 x = 1


tan x = sin x / cos x

where x is any angle.  This follows directly from Pythagoras' Theorem and the definitions of sine x (opposite/hypotenuse) and cosine x (adjacent/hypotenuse).

This follows directly from the definition of tangent x (opposite/adjacent).


Cosine Rule

a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A  , where a, b and c are the three sides of any triangle and A is the angle in the triangle opposite side a.  (Pythagoras' Theorem is a special case of this, where angle A is 90 degrees and so cos A = 0  - so the last term disappears.)



You need to understand cancelling of algebraic (letter) terms on the top and bottom of an algebraic fraction, including brackets.



If c is very big compared to v and w, then (c2 w2)/(c2 v2) is approximately equal to c2/c2, which is equal to 1.


speed, time, distance

speed = distance/time,  distance = speed x time,  time = distance/speed


sine of (x – y)

sin (x – y) = sin x cos y – sin y cos x


Solution of a quadratic equation

You need to know the formula for the solution of a quadratic equation (loads of entries for it on Google) - or be prepared take the result on trust.



You need to know that power ½ is the same as a square root and that a power on the bottom half (denominator) of a fraction is the same as a negative power.  That's all shown in detail in the book.  Also that (for example) z3/2 = z = z x sqrt(z)



There is ONE differentiation in this book.  Another 'differentiation' consists of simply removing the integral sign from an integration - as differentiation is just the opposite of integration (so that doesn't need to be done either).

The ONE differentiation is to find the differential (d/dv) of:

E0 / (1 v2/c2)½

(Where E0  is a constant anyway, so that stays as it is)

The book goes through it step by step, showing the parts that make up the result (including the differential of the term in the bracket).

There is also one use of the 'chain rule'.  That says, for example, that:

d/dt of (something) is the same as dx/dt x d/dx of (something).

This is effectively the opposite of cancelling - notice that the two dx's could be cancelled, getting us back to d/dt.



There is NO integration needed in this book.  The concept of integration is used (and very thoroughly explained) - but ALL the integrals cancel or reduce to a trivially simple and very obvious result.



You need to be able to see how common factors (numbers and letters) are taken outside a bracket for a collection of terms.

In addition the equation of an ellipse is used, in terms of sines and cosines.  That's all laid out very clearly in the text and you don't need to have any previous knowledge on that subject in order to understand it thoroughly.

[back to info on book]