book that changes

... by
absolutely nothing.
Click on the cover
to find out more
See news of TWO ground-breaking
peer-reviewed journal papers:
A radically new look at Relativity
and Mechanisms of Gravity explained
Two books that could transform
your understanding of reality:

Breath of the Cosmos:
The physics of material reality as never before - in beautiful pictures and
flowing poetry.
Tapestry of Light:
A radically new, but ages old, perspective on the nature of material
reality. A layman's view of the scientific issues.
In these books
Dr Grahame Blackwell presents, in two quite different
styles, his findings from ten years of
scientific investigation and careful mathematical analysis. (No
maths in either book.)
[Full maths available here]
"I read 'Tapestry of Light' on my
flight to
Washington, D.C. - I was stunned!
I proceeded to read 'Breath of the Cosmos' the day after I got
deserves a Nobel prize in physics and 'Breath' a Nobel prize in
Your energy flow paradigm makes total sense to me. As you show, it
explains all of Einstein's findings but also explains the arrow of time.
A truly seminal book!"
Lloyd Morgan, Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States.
"I thought your talk at the London
College of Spirituality 2012 Forum was absolutely fantastic -
interesting, funny, massively informative and you made some complex
science very acces-sible.
Your books have been on my to-buy list since then, how wonderful that
they are now on their way. I really look forward to reading them."
Dee Apolline, The Big Chi, London. |
Check out
the blog.

Here you'll find everything from the Marx
Brothers to singing bowls, from grasshoppers to goldfish - and much,
much more - all in the name of science.

"The perfect balance
of new science, humour & helpful info that people can relate to in their
lives", "I
am impressed! I found it easy to read, not boring at all! very
interesting and have subscribed for more!", "clear and
precise, easy to read and acutely
interesting. I like the user-friendly presentation. I have
free on the blog site for notifications of new postings. |
Forget Black Friday . . . . Welcome to Purple Monday!
Click pic for details and to purchase.
Unique bargain bundle: science, art & poetry!
[Offer ends 31st December 2024]
Breath of the Cosmos (slightly imperf., 25% off) £8.95
The one & only picture poetry book on Quantum Physics, richly illustrated with over 30 double-page colour spreads!
+ free PDF e-book of study notes & links to on-line science as expressed in this beautiful book (Kindle price: $3.60)
Plus free Tapestry of Light - Ground-breaking science (no maths!) on the nature of material reality (RRP: £6.75)
+ free copies of Dr Grahame Blackwell's two seminal peer-reviewed journal papers, on Relativity and Gravity (RRP: £7.50). TOTAL BUNDLE VALUE: over £25 - for just £8.95.
You'd like to know
more about what makes the
universe tick, but you're not a scientist; or
You know a bit about science (maybe
you're a science student) and you think there's room for a slightly
different take on things;
an experienced scientist and you feel that there are a few things about the
Standard Model that need a bit of explaining;
any of these, and you think we may be missing important aspects of cosmic
reality that could be crucial to our future;
Roam the Sci-Fi spaceways

With The Vaikandor Trilogy!
Transfinite Mind is here
to provide exactly what you need:
What's stuff made
of, inside it all?
What makes time
Is the universe
infinite - or not? How does that work - either way?
What is it about
matter that causes gravity? (If it 'shapes space', then
Transfinite Mind provides answers to all of these questions
and many others, based on a radically new view of reality
derived from ten years of research. This view totally
agrees with teachings of sages and mystics over thousands of
All matter - every physical object
in the universe - is made of light.
This view of
material objects answers all sorts of tricky questions quite
beautifully. It also opens the way for a whole array of
exciting new scientific developments.
Q: So how do I find
out about all of this?
A: You
could check out the details of these two books.
They present the same fundamental truths in two very different ways.
You could also pick
up these four (five)
more - if
you're a member.
Layers of Reality:
Foundations of our space-time existence.
talk by Dr Grahame Blackwell
Quantum physics is
telling us that the day-to-day reality that we live in and relate to is
just the top layer on a whole 'stack of realities' - just the icing on
the cake.
Read more here and download a free
MP3 of the talk.
[Be sure to
register first if you're not a member yet.] |

ground-breaking presentation for
Wessex Research Group
This presentation shows how a puzzle that has baffled scientists for eighty years is
neatly answered by the finding that material particles are formed from
light. This adds yet further to the wealth of evidence that
everything in the universe is made from light.
Presentation: 43
mins. Questions & Answers: 45 mins
Download PDF of
slides and full MP3 recording here.
[Be sure to
register first if you're not a member yet.]
(and download) a scientific paper on this, with full references, here.
Blackwell's seminal paper:
"Time, Light and Consciousness"
As published by
The Scientific and Medical Network
in their Journal
'Network Review'.
The time-and-space
universe of our daily experience is an interpretation by our physical
senses of a deeper reality.
This paper draws
out in simple terms the true nature of
that deeper
Members: Read this
paper here & download free PDF copy. |
paper that started it all.
First published on
the Scientific & Medical Network website.
Reproduced in the
Italian Journal 'Scienza e Conoscenza'
(Science and
This paper
outlines in simple terms (including some simple maths) how the
light-particle view of physical matter fully explains all proven
findings of Special Relativity.
Members: Read this
paper here & download free PDF copy. |
But - one last word of
warning from Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894):
"A mind once expanded
by a new idea can never return to its original size." |